paper • 112 pages • 15.95
ISBN-13: 978-1-935536-88-8
One of the Chicago Review of Books‘s Best Books of 2017.
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Perception consists of short poems rooted in observed objects. Using metaphoric description as well as association, the poems inhabit the objects or entities that they contemplate — ranging from paintings and shop signs to wallpaper and flower species. These poems are seeking to enact a tenor of attention — the power of singular focus — that is too easily lost in our multi-tasking age.
“A Smaller Purple” from Perception:
Small like the bee’s
balm remembered
in the field – a tatter
in the blossom and
the hue faded
eastward: – deep
sips missing
from the beveled
glass that constitutes
our loved
color, violet
“Christina Pugh’s Perception transports us, from its opening starburst of phrases, through ravishing particulars….”—Phillis Levin
“…I already find myself returning often to these beautiful, intricate meditations, grateful for what they release, grateful for what they restore.” —Mary Szybist
“…Through her beautiful approach to minimalism, Pugh offers precise musings on objects while simultaneously offering readers the chance to contemplate the poems themselves, which feel like thoughtful prayers or meditations.” —Booklist