paper • 118 pages • 15.95
ISBN-13:  978-1-884800-88-7

Second Things

Daniel Tobin



It starts with a screech, a howl,
the brute’s pure note
guarding its kill, sweet wail
as loins lock to further the line,
a fossil’s plaint diminished in stone.
Only slowly, painstaking, tenacious,
are words shaped around the sounds,
the true range to be staked out
in arias, each mastered stage,
until, in achieved splendor,
a man stands dazzlingly alone
amidst the spectacle, the music
an horizon arranged about him,
his mouth holding eternally the O
in which silence empties itself into song.

Praise by Ned Balbo, The Antioch Review
Past Praise by Library Journal
Past Praise by Tom Sleigh
Past Praise by Eleanor Wilner

“Tobin’s graceful movement between what’s lost and the here-and-now, between earthy popular culture and metaphysical concerns, is characteristic of Second Things, a collection of impressive power by a poet fast becoming one of his generation’s finest.” — Ned Balbo, The Antioch Review

“Tobin’s world is made of the marvels and of the terror.” — Library Journal

“[His] poems attempt to do what Yeats suggested was one ideal for poetry: to hold justice and reality in a single thought.” — Tom Sleigh

“The darkly devotional poems of Daniel Tobin, unsparing, at times harrowing in their awareness…build meaning even of life’s most intractable facts. Praise to the end.” — Eleanor Wilner